In the time of the worldwide web PRICE becomes the sole criteria for many buyers . This does not work for new machinery - even less for used equipment. Here differences between two machines of the same brand and year and similar impression count can still be vast:
o The attitude of the previous owner and the care taken by his operating staff
o Different production loads – different paper stocks – different environmental conditions
o Operator's daily – weekly – monthly lubricating & service schedules
o Maintenance plans – with regular upkeep by manufacturer’s engineers
These and other factors can be the difference between profitable production from the word go or having a machine devouring vast sums of money for repairs and spares before producing acceptable commercial quality.
Important is the partner you choose when buying a used press.
We are not moving chunks of iron to earn money, but supply high class printing technology that is worth the money you pay. It increases your wealth and brings us financial reward, too.
We are in business since 1980 and know the criteria for your productivity - when inspecting a press or refurbishing it in our works.